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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

  1. #1
    Mydako's Avatar
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    Post Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

    Unlike everyother cheap what is your favorite FF topic, I want this one to be Intelligent.

    I want you to tell your Favorite FF on several levels, and why.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Now since I will this to be an intellectual discussion any post that's reason is two sentences or shorter will be deleted.

    My Favorite Music was from Final Fantasy VII. I use alot of it in my magic act. Aerith's theme is inspirational, I honestly want it played at my funeral. Not to mention One-Winged Angel's beautiful merging of lyrics, on top of an extremly well written song.

    I believe my favorite FF cast was FFX's. It was an interesting mix of characters, though similar to other FF's, I think it worked better. The opposition between extremes in Rikku and Kimari, and Auron and Tidus in points. I found it really hieghtened the story line and made the characters believable.

    My favorite character from all FFs would probably be Aerith. She was a Martyr, a beautiful pillar of strength for a dieing world. Her selflessness and grace that carried her to her sacrifice. I think without her the wonder of FFVII would have fallen apart.

    My favorite battle system was without a doubt FFV. It allowed alot of freedom and customization, while still keeping enough restrictions to make it challenging. The jobs added a lot to it, the idea of training with powers granted by crystals intrigued me. Also it had Jikuu Mages, which made it kick ass anyways.

    Another vote for FFVII for favorite villain. Sephiroth, calm, cool, collected, calamity, chaos, and more C's. He has a believable character, with enough background to understand him, and know where he comes from, yet lacking enough to keep him a mystery. His outfit is allow very cool. His appearence with those bright green eyes was almost misleading. His idea to destroy the world is also one of my favorites.

    FFVII is neck and neck with FFX for story line, and it is FFVII by a nose! FFVII had a storyline the I think brilliently weaved together the lives and concerns of the entire party. Each going towards the same goal, with a slightly different reason. The fact that you can play it again, and catch subtleties you missed before. The story was compelling and heart breaking at points. When Aerith died, part of my heart went with her. The foe changing slightly, and his reasoning shifting, yet never to the point of being absurb. It handles plot twists with an ease and grace most FF's lack.

    The final vote is tossed to FFX. The ending movie was moving, I was never so touched by an ending. The sight of Auron wisping away as Pyreflies, his promises fulfilled. The Fayth, awakening, dieing, getting a true chance to rest. The world, finally safe, an occasion for rejoicing. Yet the party is sad as Tidus begins to fade. Even when he can no longer touch others, he still mimes hugging Yuna, just as a final Time, a wish to show her he cared. Then the inspiring speech by Yuna about memories, and carrying them with it, a speech that transends the Video Game world, and is something I could easily see a motavational speaker saying.
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    ~Gesigewigu's~ If you are to know, you know.

  2. #2
    1. I liked FF8's music best. The music is very well done and fits in to the environment and what's happening at the moment. And remember that Uematsu had a very short time to make such a masterpiece.

    2. I liked FF8's characters best because I can reflect to them much easier when they are real-looking, real-acting etc. I think FF8's characters was the most real overall.

    3. My favourite character ever in an FF in Zell Dincht from FF8. I can't really explain why on this one, I just think he's so funny and stupid in a way, but at the same time very smart.

    4. I think that FF7 had the best battle system. The materia system is very well done. I didn't like FF6's and FF9's battle system because of the annoying factor that you had to keep an item equipped until you've learnt a skill. I didn't like FF8's either because you always ended up drawing magic all the time making the battles too long. The materia system of FF7 is easy to understand; you find a materia, equip it and you've got a magic!

    5. Hmm, hard question. I must admit that I've only beaten the S-generation except FF10, so I don't have a big choice. SPOILER WARNING! I'll go for Sephiroth after all, since he's the only one that has a real goal with his struggle. The other villains are just trying to be pure evil but Sephy wants to gain control of the planet because he thinks that it is his mother's right to have it. He also wants to stop the evil Shinra corporation from gaining control of the planet so he's not pure evil. My favourite final boss battle is from FF8 against Ultimecia though.

    6. FF7 had a very deep and twisty storyline. The first time I played it I got shocked when
    I found out that Cloud was a clone and so on.
    All of the characters are really well done and mysterious in the beginning.

    7. The ending of my choice is the FF8 one. As you know, I like FF8's characters best and that's why I found it great to see how it ended up. The ending FMV is really beatiful too.

    Thank you

  3. #3
    The Lost Writer Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Psiko's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    A note before I begin, there is bound to be something that someone will consider as a spoiler in this post. If you don't want things spoiled, do not read this.

    1. Final Fantasy Six- I love the music for this game. From the uptune themes of the Veldt and the Colluseum to the heartfelt music of the Opera, this game does it all with the soundtrack. Many people overlook this game's soundtrack nowadays, but it is still my favorite, and I still get a part running through my head from time to time.

    2. Final Fantasy Four- This was difficult to choose, but I thought that FFIV had a slight edge here. You have Cecil and Kain both fighting internal battles as the game progresses. You have the Four Fiends and Golbez in there. Throw in a Spoony Bard, a little girl with more power in her pinky finger than most grown men, and a bad-ass ninja to round it up and you have a killer line-up of characters. Who would have seen the betrayal of Kain, or the turning of Golbez? And then there are the twins and the elder, providing comical relief. Then there is Yang's wife who give you a frying pan to use, lmao. Wonderful characters.

    3. Final Fantasy Six- Gasps from everyone, right? I love the Red Mage, but when it comes to liking a character, he has no depth within the game. For this, I turned to my number two game, FFVI. Sabin is by far the coolest character ever. The younger brother of a king who is more interested in training than ruling. Who does not think that his blitzes are cool? Especially Bum Rush. Plus, I've always thought that Claws were cool weapons, and Sabin has been my favorite for as long as I can remember.

    4. Final Fantasy Four- Battle systems are closely related in all of the Final Fantasy games, at least the basic concepts. The one thing I like about FFIV's battle system is that the spells and powers come naturally as you advance levels. Each character is unique. If all of them could Jump like Kain, where would be the fun? Or if all could summon? Or if all could cast Nuke, Meteo or White? No Espers, no materia, no Sphere Grids, just simple progression.

    5. Final Fantasy One- At one point in time this would have been Kain from Final Fantasy Four. He still is the number two, but there is one that I find to be a more memorable villian, Garland. Lets face it, anyone who has played the game remembers his quote: "I, Garland, shall knock you all down!" He also makes a special appearance at the end, revealing the entire scheme of the game. He may not be the toughest villian, but he is predominate in my memories.

    6. Final Fantasy Six- The storyling is exceptional here. A madman striving to gain supreme power from magical creatures known as Espers, using and betraying people in the process, even his superiors. Once you think the story can't get any better, Kefka goes and destroys the world that you know, sending it into a world of ruin and opening new fun. Great characters, great story, great game.

    7. Final Fantasy Four- This is a wonderful end. Golbez and FuSoYa going into their eternal sleep, the wedding of Cecil and Rosa, Rydia and Edge falling in love, Kain going off on his own path to train. This had it all, capping it all off with stellar effects that make it a trademark finish to an exceptional game.
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  4. #4
    1. Final Fantasy VIII. My favorite Final Fantasy song is Eyes on Me. The moment this song is played in the game is my favorite moment in the game. It is played as Squall Leonhart danced with Rinoa Heartilly. My second favorite Final Fantasy song is the introduction from Final Fantasy VIII. My third favorite Final Fantasy song is Rinoa's Theme.

    2. Final Fantasy X. I like all the characters in this Final Fantasy. Their backgrounds seem interesting to me. Yuna has a crush on Tidus. Kimahri, Tidus, Rikku, Auron, Wakka, and Lulu are basically her guardians. Kimahri is very protective, and he initially has a gruff attitude toward Tidus. After he realized that he is on Tidus side, Kimahri tells Tidus when Yuna will return whenever she has left the party. Auron is the greatest physical powerhouse.

    3. Final Fantasy X. Yuna is my favorite Final Fantasy character. Her faithful guardian Kimahri Ronzo knew her since she was an infant. Her mentor Lulu is like an older sister to her. Rikku is my second favorite Final Fantasy character. Tidus is my third favorite Final Fantasy character. Wakka is a friend of Tidus and a guardian of Yuna. Auron is Tidus' mentor.

    4. Final Fantasy X. I love Final Fantasy X's battle system, because it is three-dimensional. Final Fantasy 1 had my worst battle system. I like that the feature enabling us to switch between party members during battle. This reflects the concept of guardians. If Yuna is near death's door, I will switch her for her guardian Kimahri Ronzo.

    5. Final Fantasy VIII. Edea is so cool. That villainess is influential to some fans. Mayuka Aoki, the original Japanese voice actress for Yuna, did the end-motion capture on Edea and Rinoa Heartilly. Final Fantasy VI had my second favorite villain, Kefka.

    6. Final Fantasy IV. Final Fantasy IV was the first Final Fantasy that I ever played. I love some of the moments in the game, such as when Cecil is teleported from the attack of Leviathan near Fabul to the land of Mysidia. I also like when the Tower of Zot collapsed and the party teleporting to Baron.

    7. Final Fantasy IV (as of yet). Final Fantasy IV has a happy ending. At the last part of the ending, the paladin Cecil Harvey is coronated the King Baron. The coronation ceremony is great. This vote is subject to change, because I have not beaten all the existing Final Fantasies yet.

  5. #5
    My favorite music would be FFVIII except that they repeated so much of it. The opening theme and its different versions were the most inspiring pieces of music I've heard. Overall though, I have to go with FFVII because every score fit the character it was for.

    The cast of characters that I felt most attached to would be FFX. I really think the voice acting had a part in that, but I understood each. HOwever, once again, FFVII takes the category because I liked each of the characters and their motivations, and their designs were the best. Nothing beats Cloud, Sephiroth, and Vincent in the same game.

    My favorite FF character would have to Squall. He is my absolute favorite character design, and his own development was one of the deepest of any character in the series. He was truly a Lionheart, and I really connected with him.

    Battle sytem goes to FFVII without a doubt for the materia system which will always be my favorite battle system of any RPG. I can't imagine something better, and it allowed me to enjoy and experiment in each battle.

    Favorite villain is without a doubt Sephiroth because he was how a villain should be. I'm sick of these Kefka characters that are just pure evil, and not developed well for their reasoning. Sephiroth was developed and I truly felt for him. Plus his character design was amazing; the One-Winged Angel is the greatest symbolism I;ve seen.

    Favorite overall storyline goes to FFVII of course because it had a conflict that made the most sense, and was really great. Sephiroth is what won this award since he was the basis for the conflict.

    Favorite ending goes to FFX as it was the most emotional, and I already really felt for each character, especially Yuna. The extra plus that I love is the mystery at the end of the ending cinema. Tidus awakens, but why and by whom?

  6. #6
    My favorite music was definitely from FFX. The Zanarkand song struck a dramatic chord for the game. Also "Isnt It Wonderful?" fit the scene with Yuna and Tidus perfectly.Aurons theme was pretty cool.The Hymn of the Fayth set the mood of Spira.

    My favorite FF characters were the FFVI characters.With 14 characters, not to mention Banon and the Empire, there were the serious to comic relief characters.Unfortunately,with all the characters, some like Umaro and Gau got little attention.
    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    My favorite character ever has got to be Cid Highwind the FFVII one.Lines like "Hold onto your drawers,and dont piss in em!" made him memorable.

    My favorite battle system would have to be FFIV.You didnt have to worry about learning anything,it all came with level ups.FFV was to long,and the extras with Esper level ups unbalanced my team.VII and VIII only let you hold so little magic.FFIX was okay,but X appalled me.

    My favorite villian would have to Seifer.You got to see him become evil in present tense,unlike most who were already evil.I was pissed at him at the end of Disc 1 when I saw him with Edea.That is a real trait for villians.

    My favorite storyline would probably be VI because the Returners were weak compared to the Empire,unlike super-strong groups like Avalanche and FFIV. Returners slowly gained their power,especially in the World Of Ruin.

    The problem is,I have only beaten VII,VIII, and X. X had the best ending because it struck a strong emotional chord.

  7. #7
    This is a good question. Of course, my overall favourite FF game has to be FFVIII. Although it is unliked by many, FFVIII was unique in a great way to the other Final Fantasies.

    FFVIII had the best music on my opinion, although FFIX is not far behind. FFVIII's music was just amazing, especially Liberi Fatali (Or however it's spelt!) and Eyes on Me. Although the normal battle music was pants, the boss music and the other boss music was pure genious. I love you, Nobuo Uematsu ^_^

    I like FFIX and FFVII's variety of characters, so it's a tie there. These two games had a lareg rnage of charcters, including humans, non-humans and stuffed toys.

    As for favourite character, that's a toughie. I really like Cait Sith because he is really unique (I love uniquety in games, so I'll be going on and on about it!) and even though he's a spy, he really wants to be friends with the rest of the FFVII cast, which I admire.

    I loved FFVIII's battle system. I liked the GFs, the draw abolities and the way you don't have to use MP, and instead collect magic, not unlike collecting items.

    I think Kefka was an amazing villain. He had no reason for destroying the world, therefore he is absolutely undoubtably pure evil. He found destruction fun, and did not belive in Peace, Love and Friendship. Pure, Pure evil. Total Villain.

    Since I know a heck of a lot about the storyline of FFVIII, I'll have to go for that. FFVIII's plot has a lot of mysteries and logic behind it, such as the Sorceress' passing on on powers, and the infamous Rinoa is Ultemecia theory.

    Best ending has to Be FFVIII's. It had amazing graphics, and it was confusing at first but eventually you will understand it very very well and I found it very interesting, as it really brought out Squall's emotions, and it added evidence to the Rinoa is Ultemecia theory.

    FFVIII 4eva!

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

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  8. #8
    My favorite music has to be from FFVI. From the minute that I started playing that game it seemed to captivate me in such a way that the music drove so much emotion. It has the best expression of any of the FF games. It seems to flow so well from town to town and every moment inbetween.

    Overall the characters that were the best in the whole series from what I've played would be probably FFVI. The great mix of good and evil and everything else. Even the side characters had amazing the turks. I really enjoyed talking to people in the towns because they had acutal intellegent things to say. Seporith, even though was controlled by Jenova ultimitely, was and still is the coolest character...I mean...he walks among the flames!!

    My favorite's kind of odd. It is Squall. His deep thinking and his mellow thoughts is most like mine. I can relate to him in so many levels. His mind is complicated and so is his actions. Also Tidus...because I can relate with his type of family life that he has held. Also he is a athlete or a very awesome game. And is not depressing and loves to have fun and care a lot about everyone else...much like me sometimes.

    My favorite battle system is without a doubt FFX's. You get to control the characters leveling with the Sphere grid. You can customize weapons much like in the other games. The thing I really liked was that you could switch in a out your characters during battle...which gives the player the advantage to really have all the best attacks in one battle.

    Seporith is the best Villian...he's awesome...driven by his past and his journy is one of the greatest of all told. I also think that Keflka was a crazy person! Who else would not care to kill a village and then still go on in life...that takes some guts.

    Best story line...this is where I can split a lot. I think overall FFX had the best story. It had all the elements in the game that are needed and was told the best. With the constant reminders of the past and the few friends that were there in the present. FFVII is a classic and is there for deserving of this title for me but in it lacks the depth of which you obtain a very obscure and shallow thought of each person. FFVIII was extremely deep in that and had so much romance. The story was indeed very powerful...but lacked focus.

    FFX's ending while simple was beautiful and got the point across very well. It's theme was that I will never forget for it will be a big part of my life with my dad and tring to go back and change things. FFVIII is one I will never forget...the disturbed views of Rinoa and the lost within the time compression is just great. I the ending is so powerful it made me cry.

  9. #9
    Music: Definetly FF8. "Eyes on me" theme is one of the best themes I ever heard. FF8 music is very memorable and is very preatty.

    Best characters overall: Tie betaween FF8 and FFX. The voices of main characters in FFX(excluding Tidus, and Yuna) gave them plenty of peronality. I really liked character development in FF 8. By the end of the game I grew to care for every single one of them.

    Best character: Squal from FF8. He started out as the biggest jerk, but later you found that he is a very caring, compassionate person.

    Best battle system: Final fantasy tactics. Hard to explain, but those of you who played it know what it's all about.

    Best villains: Rajin and Fujin. They fought you not because they were crasy, or because they were ordered. They did it for their friend Seipher.

    Favorite storyline: FF 8. It starts more optimystic, and then the story just draws you into the world of FF8.

    Best ending: FF9. I almost cried.

    Best overall: FF8

  10. #10
    1.) The final fantasy that had my favorite music was ff7. This is because i love the ancient temple music, i dunno why it like sounds cool.

    2.) Final Fantasy 10 because they had nice characters and you needed each one for the game and i felt that all the characters were involved a lot more in this game then having one party throughout the game.

    3.) My favorite character is Seph because he's so cool looking and like how he acts and stuff, i dunno he's just cool. (Gosh, I feel like i'm writing answers for q's at school, but o well)

    4.) Final Fantasy 10 or Final Fantasy Tactics had the best battle system because in ff10 i felt i was more involved and so did the characters and also you can do many new different things in battle. Now for fftactics, it had a very nice battle system and u were definitly involved in each battle and there were MANY things you can do in the battle.

    5.) Seph and read #3 for details.

    6.) Final Fantasy 7 had the best storyline because it was soo deep, it made u feel as you were in the game and theres soooo much to the storyline.

    7.) This one is tough, a lot of the endings sucked, but I like ff9's because

    Because i accually thought Zidane was dead and that fooled me, which was pretty cool. I say it ended up perfectly.

    **End of SPOILER**

  11. #11
    WARNING: Spoilers ahed.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music? FF7. The soundtrack was big, and I didn't even get enough of each song to make me sick of it, they were very well dispersed throughout the scenes. I loved every single piece.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? Again, FF7. I loved Cloud, since he was so much like me and I could relate to him. I liked Tifa and Aeris, and their relationships with Cloud. The whole cast was very well done, and even Cait Sith had an interesting story behind him.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? In FF7, Cloud was a bastard. And that's what I am. He just didn't give a ****.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? I liked the way everything was unique in FF7, as far as the special effects and how things were named and equipped. However, FFX just blew me away by removing the ATB and using a turn-based system.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? FF7, Sephiroth was the original badass. In the games to follow, the villains were just wannabes that couldn't even compare to him. As cliche as it is, Sephiroth is still one mean mutha fukka.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? FF7. Placed in a semi-futuristic world that was rundown. The evil company Shinra ripping people off, Mako energy. It was just a classic, and told very deeply and very well. Very complex.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? Hmm...I really expect a lot from endings, and none that I can remember can really measure up to what I craved. I'd have to say either FF7 or FFX. I hate happy endings. I want an ending that pisses me off.

  12. #12
    Music: Final Fantasy 7, it was the only one that really clicked for me. I mean I bought the soundtrack, I donwloaded all the music onto my computer, I just loved it, especially Aeris' theme, it was very moving.

    Characters: definetely FF7: their characters were just so much more remembrance than all the other characters. they stuck out, they each had a different attitued and you got to learn a lot about each character.

    Character: Cloud of course because he acts so much like i do. He can be arrogant (trust me ask anybody that knows me, especially DragonHeart) , selfish at times and overall a great leader. He had the coolest look out of all of them and the best story behind him.

    Battle System: NOT FF7 haha. Id go with ffT or FF5, or FF3. Just cause I really liek the job system and it was a very good idea. I also liked X how it had the bar while battling so you would know who would attack when which would give you a better strategy when fighting tougher enemies.

    Villain: Sephiroth, why? It's because he was such a badass. he did so many things that just shocked you like
    Aeris' death for once, how could you not feel all cold inside after you saw him stab her and listen to her death music as the white materia dropped into the pool and watching Cloud say, what i think a very good line
    "She will never laugh, amile, or cry again..." It was something like that, I didn't feel like writing it all cuz it was long.

    Storyline: I really like Tactics Zodiac Brave Story, but yet again FF7 pulls up on top. I am just so shocked how great the story was. It had everything you wanted, action, romance...just about everything a good movie or other game has.

    Ending: To tell the truth I haven't seen ff8, 9, or 1's ending. So Im gonna have to go with FF7. I didn't seem like it was such a great ending the first time but after you see it a couple times you really get to see how its unique from all the other ones. Insted of telling you, why don't you find out yourslef.

    Overall Id say FF7 was teh best one.
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  13. #13
    Which FF had your Favorite Music? I really got blown away with the FFX music as soon as I heard it, it was kind of soppy and romantic which I really love in songs. But since FF7 was my first FF I guess it set the scene the best and made my love the games even more.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? I would say that FFX had the best charcters in my opinion because it showed that it takes all different kind of people to make up a group and they are useful for different things. They were kind of induvidual more so than say Final Fantasy 6 or 8 where you had several people alike.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? My favourite character overall was actually Fujin from FF8 I loved the way she stayed cool for everything and fought for what she was brought up believing in. Her style of clothing and hair was also great. There are so many other characters I like though.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? I think it was more of a case of being my first Final Fantasy than anything else that made me love the FF7 one, I found it really hard to adapt to FF8. I liked the way you had to search for all the different types of Materia it made the game quite challenging.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? Another vote for Sephiroth I am afraid, he just made me so angry at him as if he was real, he was just so intimidating and he was the best fighter out of everyone, he had a strange but great past and you really grew to hate him throughout the game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? I loved the FF7 one I really managed to get into it and know the characters. I loved the story behing it all and it wasn't so corny as some like ff8. FF7 and FF9 both had the ability to make me cry which is....great...heh ^^;;;

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? I really like the ffx ending it was so sad and made me cry like a bitch. I thought that FF8's was quite funny in some places and FF7's made you think, they all had really great endings so I can't really decide.

  14. #14
    Spoony Bard
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    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Incognitus's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Without a doubt, Final Fantasy VI. I can still recall all of those tunes with ease, since I spent a good 80 hours one summer trying to finish that game perfectly. I listened to it for 80 hours, and I still listen to mp3's of it today! Right now I'm listening to the music from Figaro Castle, arranged. If any other Final Fantasy comes close in music, it's FFVII.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    I liked the characters from Final Fantasy VI, too. All of them were developed exceptionally, and a few had some real close ties that made them even better. Again, the only other game to come close to my favorite overall characters would be FFVII.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Edgar Figaro, hands down. His personality reminded me of my own, he owned a technologically advanced castle, he was a king of that castle, he always had the right Tool for the job, and he was a bit of a charmer. This was the character I always named after myself; he is definitely my favorite out of all of the Final Fantasies.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Hmmm... this is a tough one. I absolutely hated Final Fantasy VIII and X's battle systems, probably because they veered off from the traditional style. I don't know; I just wasn't digging that new change. As for my favorite, probably Final Fantasy VII, with the limit breaks, materia, and such.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    I was always a fan of the humorous villains. I would have to say Gilgamesh for this question. He was just so blinded by his own stupidity, and he let his arrogance go to his head. Every encounter with him was a laugh. Ultros was also funny, though.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy VI is tied with Final Fantasy VII here. Both were excellent storylines, and those two Final Fantasies are the ones I replay the most. The characters definitely add to the storyline, and both games had a great cast of characters.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy VII, surprisingly. I won't go into spoilers for those of you who haven't played FFVII, but it was a true masterpiece. Coming in close second is FFVI, of course.

  15. #15
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] FFsaiya-jin's Avatar
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    Music: My favorite FF music has to be from FFVIII. It just was great and went well with the game's enviroment, the dark places and love story with those songs, it just came all together. In second place has to be FFX, it was great also. FFVI music is also one that I enjoyed.

    Best Overall FF Characters: Hmm, thats a tough one. I think that the one that wins, for me, is FFVI. That game had one of the best FF cast ever. Even though that the game had 14 characters to choose, it still gave a lot of background information. And those were the first characters that I grew to "love" them. Its closely followed by FFX. FFX also had a great cast and were quite involved in the story.

    Favorite FF Character: Another tough one. But I gotta say that I really liked FFVIII Squall's attitude. It was just like me. But aside from him I really like FFX Auron, he's a really cool guy and an interesting background story, very well done.

    Favorite Battle System: My favorite is, and will always be FFV. Just to cuztomize your party as you want was really neat. Its followed by FFVII battle system, that was another one that I enjoyed, specially all those strange Materias all well put in a devastating party to kill all asses.

    Favorite Villain: And the winner by far: Kefka. Ohh, how much I grew to hate him. And that maniac-clown-crazy-evil laugh that really made you hate him more, and all his blindness of adquiring the ultimate power and conquering the world was really the perfect thing for a villain.

    Favorite Storyline: This one is a tie between FFVIII and FFVI. I was shocked by Final Fantasy VIII storyline, it was my first RPG that I've played in my life and I've never seen or read a story as good as that one, at least for me. Then FFVI came after playing FFVIII. That game, for me, is tied for favorite game of all times. I really liked that game, the story was incredibly great, one of the best I've seen.

    Favorite FF Ending: Even though that it was a predictable ending, I really like FFIX ending. What the characters say its really true, the meaning of life. Another ending that I like most is FFVIII. At first I couldn't understand it, but later I found out what the ending really ment.
    <img src=>

    <table style=filter:GLOW(color=cyan strength=1<center>"A soul divided in two...</center>
    Torn from both sides of the coin...
    <center>One evil...
    In the vertex of chaos he finds peace...</center>
    <center>...and the source of his power."</center></table>

    <center>~Proud Member of Tantalus~

  16. #16

    My favorite arrangement of music in the series comes from FFVIII. Until VIII appeared on the scene, it had always been VI. My favorite themes--Forever Rachel & Celes--come from VI, but it lacks the compact soundtrack of VIII. VIII's music seems to always fit the mood perfectly, with contrasting forms that surpass any work that a midi ever accomplished. I love its great variety of music offered. A Must-buy FF soundtrack.


    My favorite group of characters from any of the series comes from FFVI. It was the revolutionary Final Fantasy, that set the standard for those to follow--as far as in-depth character analysis. When I played VI for the first brought the story to life. It made me feel as if I were a part of the It breached through the lives of Locke, Terra, Edgar, Celes, Sabin, and the others, I understood their cause---They brought the story to life.. It served as the first game of the series that I was actually introduced to. It will always be my favorite.


    My favorite character comes from FFVIII. I believe that as an individual character, Squall was the most analyzed, took the most work to create, and is faced with more conflicts than any other--most of which within himself. In order to defeat his enemies and rivals, he had to face his own struggles, contrasting viewpoints, disappointments, hopes, and dreams. He serves as the most complex character in the history of Final Fantasy. He is my favorite.


    My favorite battle system originates in FF tactics. It's astonishing how many components were placed within the system. It allows for more planning and strategy--rather than the frantic tactics of the active time system. Still allowing a great number of variables and competition--Tactics is my most enjoyed Final Fantasy when it comes to being involved in battles.


    My favorite villain was in FFVII--Sephiroth. Representing the truest of evil intent, he fit the part of main villain in more ways than one. Many of the other FF's had main villains that contrasted the final boss expectations--such as VIII and IX. It was amazing how they could relate a character of absolute evil and allow him to be such a crucial part of the storyline throughout the entire game. Sephiroth is the perfect arch enemy.


    My favorite storyline came from FFX. The storyline was unbelievable. It had so many twists and turns, contradicting your expectations through every step of the way. The conflicts faced by each characters were brought about throughout the game--adding the the magnificent storyline that only adds to its greatness. An amazing and mysterious beginning--ending with the same touch--allows for your own interpretation of its greatness. I interpretted the game as the best--storyline-wise.

    The Finale

    My favorite ending came from FFVIII. I've always been taken with the adventurous aspect of FF games--but when one adds a romantic depth--It beefs up my viewpt. of the game. The ending was touched with romanticism, adventure, and an answer to the many mysteries that many of the characters possessed. The graphics, which are necessary for a truly great ending, were astonishing. Everything about the ending was perfect. From graphics and music to a suitable end to the storyline.

  17. #17
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
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    Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mydako
    [B]Unlike everyother cheap what is your favorite FF topic, I want this one to be Intelligent.

    I want you to tell your Favorite FF on several levels, and why.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music? VIII and VI. Kefka's tune is my favorite theme out of like anything, however the music doesn't fit the scenes as well as FF8. Eyes on me is a great song, and Liberi Fatali gave me goosebumps during all the times that I heard it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? Defintely IV. Dark Knight Cecil just kicked ass. Rydia was able to give you an emotional level to follow on a female, seeing the death of her mother and everything. Selfless members like Cid and Yang sacrificed their lives, and Cid gave the quote about the middle finger. Kain is like no other character. The love triangle between Kain, Rosa, and Cecil increased the tension to a maximum amount and made me love and respect all the characters in the game. Except Edward.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? Final Fantasy VI. Can you say "Celes"? She had just about the most powerful moment in any game. She had in one hand the devotion to her friends and locke, many who had not trusted her because she was a general. In her other hand, she carried ruling the world along with Kefka(ostensibly). She had it all, and gave it away for her friends with one of the most powerful quotes in a game ever. "Power breeds only War. I wish I were never born!" She is able to overcome the demons of her past of being an evil general and come to the light, becoming my most beloved character in the process.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? Although I'd like to say Chronotrigger, which I consider an FF game, it's not. So I'm forced to go with IV. I liked how IV did not let you complete meld every character into a mindless clone of all the other characters. Each character had individual strengths and weaknesses.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? VI. Kefka edges out Sephiroth because of the laugh. He made me think clown; however, he has a point. Life, dreams.. where are those going?

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? VI and VII are tied. VI and VII both showed governmental corruption at its peak. They both had unexpected twists and are completely dear to my heart. Aeris and Celes are side-by-side....almost.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? X. The speech by Yuna, the deaths of many characters whom you had grown attached to over the time you had played the game. Hell, I cried.
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
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    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  18. #18
    Espada Loki's Avatar
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    Jul 2001
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    Re: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

    Which FF had your Favorite Music? I would have to say Final Fantasy IX, It had one of those sort of medival kind of music themes and i really loved every single track on the soundtrack.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? Final Fantasy 7, Definetley Final Fantasy 7, It had a cast of characthers that really come together in a way. Cloud was an awesome characther though, his story was really intresting and it made me want to find out more and more about him, Vincent is alos another favourite of mine.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? Final Fantasy 7 again, like i said above, Cloud looks cool, and he has some of the coolest Limit breaks, His story is also another thing i like about him.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? Final Fantasy X, It was the old FF Battle system but it was totally changed in terms of how it was played, a very unique fighting system.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? Final Fantasy 7, Sephiroth was a genius when it comes to destroying the world, and if you saw the ending you know what i mean, The way he looks is just plain evil and cool, i like his cold attitude aswell.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? Final Fantasy 7, The story was simply maginficent, at times it was serious and others it was filled with humour, I loved the game and especially the story.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? This is a hard one, I personally loved Final Fantasy 8's ending, It concluded the game in a better way than FF7 and FF9.
    So yeah, I'd have to say FF8's ending was my favorite.

  19. #19
    I think my post got deleted previously because it wasn't long enough, so I'll post again!

    These are the FF games I have played (warning! May contain spoilers):

    FFVII- This was an amazing game. I liked the characters and gameplay. I definently thought Sephiroth was the ULTIMATE villain ever. The storyline was a little much. I had trouble weeding through all the possibilties and stuff. I mean, I got the main part, but there were still questions left unanswered, like I still don't really understand Seph's plan.

    Grade: B

    FFVIII- I loved this game. The music was awsome and the storyline...WOW! This was my first FF game so it will always be in my heart (LoL). I thought the characters great (except for Rinoa), and I didn't have any unanswered questions about the storyline. I liked the Junction System pretty much, too, eventhough a lot of people didn't. The ending was very good and offered a full, complete closure (not matter how many people believe Squall died).

    Grade: A

    FFIX- I thought this was a little dissapointing. It was a good game (as of any FF), but it just didn't please me as much as FFVIII and FFVIII. It was a good game compared to others, but compared to within it's kind, other FF games, it wasn't as superior. For one, I don't like "deformed" characters. I like human because it gives a realistic feel. I also thought the storyline was a little cheap. While gameplay was good, it wasn't enough to boost it up on my all time list.

    Grade: B-

    FFX- This was a great game. Gameplay, characters, music, graphics, all were outstanding. The ending was magnificent (had me in all out tears). I really liked the Sphere Grid a lot, too. The only thing I didn't really like was the storyline. It was good, but, like with FFVII, I had unanswered questions concerning what happened 1000 years ago and thing like that. Also, I thought the whole religion just didn't really appeal to me (no affence to those religious).

    Grade: B+

  20. #20
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Probably FFVII. The battle theme has always stuck in my mind, and the Weapon theme has to be one of the best pieces of game music ever.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    I would say FFVII, but then there were characters like Cait Sith and Yuffie (I dont hate Yuffie, just didnt use her as a character). So probably FFVIII. I found myself using all of the characters on a regular basis, and most of them had really believable personalities (Squall, Irvine, Seifer)

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Sephiroth, without a doubt. Noone has ever come close to matching his excellence. With such a cool appearence, excellent weapon and detailed past, you cant help but like him (unless you were a big Aeris fan, but then again, I liked her as well...) He may have been the villian, but he wasnt evil, just confused and lied to. The real villians of FFVII were Hojo and Jenova.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I havent got FFX yet (its not out here till 31st May) so FFVII for now. The materia system was so east to get to grips with, and the combo abilities were fun to set up. Plus there was the Omnislash. That move will never be equalled, not even by the Lionhart.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Sephiroth, obviously. See above for my many reasons. Actually, I dont consider him the villian any more.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    I'd be inclined to say FFVI, but there were too many characters overall to have the story apply to them all, so again, FFVII. The number and scale of the plot twists kept you engrossed throughout, and from the offset you knew who you were after,m unlike FFVIII. You didnt know about Ultemacia untill near the end, which kinda annoyed me.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FFVIII. The ending tied up all the loose ends, unlike FFVII, which was seemed to me unfinished. FFVIII's ending didnt leave anything unexplained, plus you got to see Seifer as a good guy, which was cool. And the home video during the credits was pretty funny!

  21. #21
    (Hope you don't mind Masamune..but I borrowed your Questions)

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Had to be FFVII..the music is haunting..Especially The Aeris Death me goosepimples everytime..FFX opening theme is good also.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    FFVII and FFT about a 50/50 spread...although like Masamune..I didn't like Cait Sith..but I LOVED Yuffie.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Cloud. I like him..he's a Weak (normal) person caught up in extraordinary events. Rikku and Vincent are up there also.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I liked FFVII's Materia setup..but i also Like FFX's Player Switching..I hated FFVIII's Magic system (Draw?). Combining 7 and 10 would be good.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Duh, the "One Winged Angel" blows em all away.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Well, It's hard but..Ultimately I chose FFVII over Tactics...(i hated 8's)

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    As much as I loved Playing's ending was..odd...IIj sucked..Tactics was okay..Guess the best and most rewarding Is IV...V wasn't too bad either.
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  22. #22
    FAVOURITE MUSIC:i just love the regular battle music in ffX. also in ffIV in the bahamut cave when you run into behemoths the battle music is changed to regular boss music for the battle. and one winged angel from FFVII. how can you not like that?

    FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: probably VI or VIII. by the time i finish ffVIII i end up crying cause it almost feels like i actually know the characters (if that makes sense). ffVI cause ive gone through the game so many times its almost like i know them, too.

    FAVOURITE CHARACTER: hmmm...i would have to say Zell cause the guy would get so worked up over the dumbest things. reminds me of my friend Jamie. favourite girl would be Terra. poor girl didnt really know her parents and she was turned into a living killing machine.

    BATTLE SYSTEM: first off im gonna eliminate all final fantasys where all your characters can use magic, that can make the game so easy. either Tactics cause that game REALLY made you think, therefore the battles had incredible depth to them. and ffX. you can use all your characters in one battle! it doesnt get much better than that...

    FAVOURITE VILLIAN: if the *Rinoa is Ultimecia theroy* is true then that would be an awesome layout for a villian, definatly being a contender. otherwise, Kefka. so far he is the only villian that actually DID destroy the earth. and he did it HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME!!!!!! Jecht also had a cool layout for a villian (the main characters abusive father). then there is Garland/Chaos. not too much depth to the guy, but the thing where he created a 2000 year time loop along with the 4 Fiends to make him immortal? thats just friggin awesome!

    FAV STORYLINE: ffIV. an evil dark knight becomes a paladin and finds out the villian he has been fighting for some time is actually his brother. his best friend betrays him TWICE and kidnaps his girlfriend. two young twins turn themselves to stone to save your lives. your king sends you to a village to burn it down. you go beneath the earth and to the moon. you get the picture...

    FAV ENDING: definatly ffVIII. every time i see it i ball my eyes out! especially when Laguna is at Raine's grave. and when Raijin gets pushed into the water and Seifer bursts out laughing. i cant help but laugh every time i see that

  23. #23
    Definately FFVII had the best music out of all the final fantasies, i loved the boss battle music, 'Jenova absolute' and 'one-winged angel' the most.

    Final Fantasy VII had the best selection of characters. To stand and look at them you wouldn't think they'd be travelling the world together....but it is fantasy...i liked all the characters from Final Fantasy VII.

    My favourite Final Fantasy character is either Vivi, Auron and Vincent....i really can't decide between it's Final Fantasy VII, IX and X.

    Final Fantasy Tactics had my favourite battle system....i loved the little grid and the fact that hitting from behind does more damage and there was a lot more strategy involved in planning the battles...not just mash the f*ck outta the x button with attack.

    Definatel Final Fantasy VII was the first Final Fantasy i played and threrfore the most memorable....i knew i'd like sephiroth because the first time you hear of him the president of the world's largest empire has a sword in his back which only sephiroth can use....there's blood on all the walls and all the guards and staff are dead too, then the next time you see him is in the flashback and he is invincible and kills dragons vertually singled can't do nothing to the dragon really, then you see hear of him when a so-called invincible 30ft serpent has been impaled on a tree....truely a nice guy.....

    FFVII wonder why it's my fave of all the Final Fantasies, i loved the storyline and would believe it more than the time compression in FFVIII....Final Fantasy tactics and Final Fantasy VI come close second and third.

    Final Fantasy VII had my favourite ending...especially the 500 years later part.

    i just gotta say FFVII reigns supreme!!!

    ...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.

    The Brotherhood of Doom: Destroying the Weak since 11-11-2004

  24. #24
    1. Favourite Music?
    Well, I'd have to say FFIX. I loved Melodies of Life, and I still accidentally hum it. I really like 'You're Not Alone', too...

    2. Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    7, without a doubt. The only Fantasy where I can relate to every character, even the villains

    3. Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Eh, crud, this is hard. 7, once again, has my favourites, who are equal first Sephiroth and Reno. Since there's the 'villain' thing down there, I'll just say why I like Reno here. Reno's cool because he's very rogueish, but at the same time handsome. He's a really cool guy, and I love the Wutai part ^_^ (May I add that Locke and Celes are close runners-up?)

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Once again <sigh> 7. Materia- easiest thing I've ever used. I don't think I'll ever truly understand 10's, and 9 and 6 are too traditional and no-brainer for me. I dare not even comment about VIII (mainly 'cos I haven't played it). You really have to think about Materia.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    7. Sephiroth. Hands down. He's the perfect villain. You're angry with him, but at the same time you feel sorry for him. And he used to be a nice guy... (gets distracted by Sephy-chan related thoughts) Anyway, he's just the coolest.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    7, surprise surprise. It was dark, and much more like real-life than any of the others. You could actually relate to one-liner strangers like the people living in Midgar, Costa del Sol, ect. What I'll never understand is how FF9 got a PG-13 rating and FF7 only got a G-8+, what with Don Corneo and the Honeybee...

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? Well, By default, I've gotta say IX (mainly because that's the only one I've finished ^^ I really liked it, though... but Necron was too sudden; I reckon that a hyped-up version of Graland shoul;d'e been the boss, and you shgould've had to fight with Zidane and Kujah. The bit where the party members gave eachother their power was sweet, though...

    Overall, the best Fantasy is hands-down VII. I think that a lot of people agree with me in saying that VII is the true champion of video games.

  25. #25
    Spoilers ahead, duh.

    Best Music: FF8. It was just perfect in every way. The opening score was awe inspiring, the theme and it's varients were absolutely beautiful. All the music fit the scenes perfectly and with the exception of the final castle it all stayed where it should be - in the background. No blasting into some huge score when all you're doing is walking around. It was perfect and did what music in games is meant to do.

    Fav characters: FFX. While it was real close between this and FF8, the characters in FF8 were too similar. They all seemed to be average teens who reacted to the situations in remarkably human and realistic ways, but all too similar. They had personalities, but their movites were the same. FFX however had a cast about as good (Yuna sucked but eh) yet far more varied. They didn't only have their own personalities they had their own backgrounds, and just a sin real life these worked in tandem with their personalities to shape how they acted and what they said. They all had different roles, different reasons, and played them out and worked together well. In fact their companionship and interaction was about the only thing that kept me going through the game. It was also cool with the flashbacks and such that went to truly develop Auron, and play out the search into Jecht and what really made the man.

    Fav character: My, now this is a hard one. I really like so many, it's very difficult. Though out of all of them I can separate them all into two groups, and then pick the best of those groups, yet I cant decide between the two. First for the serious group (talking about if I'm in the mood for a *real* character) it would be Lulu. She is basically everything that my previous fav (Quistis) was, but to the next level. She is mature, intelligent, strong, wise, and yet still has her more warm and human side that shines through. A background leader with plenty of background herself, she is really excellent all-round, and the more serious side of me identifies with the way she responds -not reacts- to the many things around her.

    Yet on the other side on the more light hearted characters there is Rikku like many before her she is more apt for fun or for action, yet what I like about her is that she doesn't take it to the unrealistic extreme of so many other characters before her. This makes her outstanding (in the literal sense) yet realistic. Add to this her mechanic abilities and Al Bhed (SO COOL) heritage, and she is a very unique and wonderful character that plays closely to my more fun-loving side. So anyways I guess that comes out to FFX as well.

    Fav Battle System. This is difficult, but I would give it to FF7. FF7 had the depth of newer age systems with the rewarding and progressive nature of the old school. Older games are too basic, yet newer games could quite stay balanced. In FF8 it gave you supreme control which made thigns too easy and effortless, taking the point out of battling (which led to me using Enc-None all the time) and then FFX while ingenius in so many ways (character switching *drool*, all the abilities), basically was very unbalanced. You were very weak for a long time (relying on Aeons when things got tough) then suddenly had massive power that could destroy anything. Status effects were also useless because anything weak enough to actually be hurt by them could be easily taken out by sheer strength. However Final Fantasy 7 gave you all the depth of newer games, the different magics, status spells, command abilities, and ability to mix them all together. Yet kept it all in old-school progression, rewarding you progressively for time and effort. Not only in magic growth, but in magic use and combination through weapons which progressively held more at a time. Complex but not hard, control but not overpowered, perfectly balanced and progressive. FF7 is definitely the best dispite lack of small refinements given with the current gen of systems.

    Fav Villain. FF7. As someone said before Sephiroth had reasons, sure he was still nuts but he seemed far more deep, intelligent, and even yes - human, about it all. His quest for power is very human, though amplified by madness and increasing power. He started out cool and ended a different flavor of the same cool. His role through the game was far more important to everyone than villians in most other games. And plus the thing that gets him the biggest props - he offed that stupid ditz Aeris! He sure knows how to pick em, it's sad I couldnt shake his hand and thank him for that before I offed him. But yeah, she was my most hated character in any RPG, he gets MAD PROPS for that, heh. FF7 also has the best supporting villians - the Turks! they are just so cool.

    Fav Storyline. FF8. Most people don't like it, though from all what I've seen it's because they didn't pay enough attention to get it. But I got it, understood the meaning, understood the characters, understood the metaphors. It's all the most beautiful love story, better than your novels or movies or other games. It's all so hard to explain but it's really great, so beautiful I got a little teary-eyed a couple times, and that really almost never happens for anything.

    Fav Ending. FF8. It was the climax and tying together of everything in the game, not only that but the most beautiful CG sequence I've seen in my life. Theres not really much to say, it just finished and revealed so much at once, it's the best by far.

  26. #26
    Best FF Music

    Hmmm tough one but i think i am gonna have to go with FFIX i love the music building up to the ending and I love the way the music builds up the to reunited part between Zidane and Garnet and also listening to the music when Zidane is running through the woods. FFX also had good music the ending theme is the best piece of FF music i have ever heard the way it picks up at the end is amazing but to be honest every FF has a piece of music that i fall in love with (ff4 rosa, FF6 main theme Etc)

    Best set of Characters

    HMM another tough one i loved FFVIII's because of the indivuality and there diffrerernt personailities and there relestic looks and also liked FF IX's too but my favourite set of characters has to be FFX i think it the voice acting that makes them seem real and that way you feel attached to them and you feel sorry for them in places.

    My Favourite Character

    Easy Squall Leonheart, the guy just kicked ass he looked the hero type i was so gald he got the girl and he was just so strong and he was a leader and his attuitude was amazing that also why i liked cloud aswell another good character was Auron but my favourite will always be Squall Leonheart they guys a legend

    Favourite Battle System

    Another easy one FFX's was the best actually made leveling up fun and the switching of characters made it a more tatcial game and i just enjoyed that. FF IX was also fun i liked using weapons to get abilities.

    Favourite Villian

    Right i am gonna say Kuja that guy went on a killing spree and also destroyed a world and he just had that bad-ass look about him with that class dragon that he had made him look stunning also when he was in trance i actually thought i was done for. i would have said spethiroth but he was just a poor end boss.

    Favourite Storyline

    FFVIII i love this game and its story it was the first FF i ever played and i loved it it is my favourite game of all time (despite strong challenges from MGS 2, FFX and PES) the thing i loved the most was its storyline the loved this kinda growing love between Squall and Rinoa and also love all the rumours outside of the game i think i could talk about FFVIII's storyline forever

    Favourite Ending

    This one is a tie between FFX, FFVIII and FFIX. FFX because its amazing music and amazing CG's and its very touching part. FFVIII because i think that Rinoa finding Squall then the sky just changings is brillient. FFIX because the music when Garnet jumps onto Zidane is brilleint

  27. #27
    Which FF had your Favorite Music
    The Final Fantasy which had my favourite music had to be
    either Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy IX. I loved Final Fantasy VIIs theme for when you walk on the world map. I also liked FFVIIs One Winged Angel. For Final Fantasy IX it was definatly Kujas theme. I also loved Dark Messanger.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    The Final Fantasy that had my favourite characters overall would have to be Final Fantasy VII... Final Fantasy VII had characters that I thought were funny. Their characters also had meaning to me (.....not that way..) like when Aeris died. I felt sad. I didn't cry but I really wanted to kill Sephiroth at that moment.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    The Final Fantasy with my favourite character in it would definatly be FFVII. Aeris. She has always been my favourite Final Fantasy and my all time favourite game character as well. Even when I've played many other games and thought the characters in those even came close I played FFVII again and saw that Aeris is still my favourite.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy VII. I loved the whole materia thing. The way you can level up your materia so that it can be even more powerful. To me that's awsome.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy IX had my favourite villain! Kuja! He's so unique and evil that's why he's my favourite. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII comes in a close second. I liked him because he wasn't exactly.. evil.. just insane. I also liked Kuja because he isn't really all that bad. All of his life he wanted to be free from Garland. When he is finally powerful enough that he can, Garland tells him he doesn't have an eternal life and that he will die soon. I thought that was sad in a way.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    This is a tough decision. But I would have to say Final Fantasy VII. I loved it so much I would play for hours and hours non-stop.
    To me Aeris death just made the storyline better (Aeris is my favourite character.. but I have to admit.. it did). If it wasn't for her dying, Cloud wouldn't be so determined to kill Sephiroth.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy VIII had my favourite ending. I guess because of when Selphie was video taping. And I thought it was funny too. Zell... wanting a Balamb Garden hotdog day after day and not being able to have one. And then when he finally gets one... he chokes on it! Poor... poor Zell... I also like the ending because it was so detailed.. everything looked so real I.M.O.

  28. #28
    My 2p's worth

    Final Fantasy VII had my favourite FF music. I love the songs "Lifestream" , "Clouds theme" , "Aeris theme" and the classic "Prelude". I think FF music has some great emotional music. The music was much more classical and far more darker than the other FF games I think. The music can be upsetting , uplifting , depression , sadness and joy. That is why I think the music from this game is awesome.

    Final Fantasy VII had my favourite characters. The tension and veangence between Sephiroth and Cloud is spectacular. I felt the characters were developed more deeply. With the thoughts of Zack and himself (Cloud) , It helped develop Cloud in a great way. As for Sephiroth , FFVII had the Kalm scene were you think back in time. This makes Sephiroth far more developed rather than just throw him in without reference to the Nibelheim scenes. Again Tifa was realted to the Nibelheim memories , again helps create a more deeper characterisation in the character. Red XIII , you spend the Cosmo Cnyon scene learning of his history. Again concenrating and focusing on characterisation. I just felt the characters in FFVII had the most interesting stoylines and past.

    This question has the same answer for favourite Villian. Final Fantasy 7 : Sephiroth : I love Sephiroth. His Evil ways , his mind games , the learning of his previous involvement with Shinra. His long white hair and black cape. His Masamune sword. His Super Nova and Pale Horse are my favourite magics and summons. His twist from Good to Evil. His insane thoughts , cruel and wicked ways. The destruction he causes. Even although Jenova impersonates Sephiroth on many occasions. It still is Sephiroth in a way , for instance when he swifty kills Aeris and smiles about it , knowing that perhaps he may have stopped the only way of stopping him , himself. His 3 stages of battle , Bizzaro , Safer and his true form are my favourite battles. Just his plain Evil games and plans are what make him my favourite character

    Final Fantasy 7 again. I felt its battle system was more interesting and enjoyable to play. I like the idea and better involvment with Materia rather than Junction (for example). I like a 3 party fight , rather than a 4 party battle. I liked the way in FFVII every character could do exactly what the other characters could do also , like the ability for everyone to summon , use magic etc.

    Final Fantasy 7. No other FF game compares with this one I think. The depth of characterisation in relation to the storyline is awesome. The myth of Sephiroth , the idea of Lifestream and the planet's life. The evil twists of Sephiroth. The confusing in Cloud's life. His relationaship with Aeris. The power of Good and Evil I think is best illistrated in FFVII. Not only is it viewed on by Cloud and Sephiroth , but it is personified in the Black and White Materia. The bringer of Death and the saviour of Life. The long and emotional journey the team has to bare. The twists that you just didnt see comming at all. The way it confuses you right up until the very end.

    ***[MAJOR SPOILER]***
    This one is a tie I say. Between Final Fantasy 7 and 8. The ending to FFVII with the ** MAJOR SPOILER** death of Sephiroth and Cloud winning over his arch rival. The satisfaction that Cloud has FINALLY defeated him. To see the Meteor stopped by the Lifestream that is continued to be spoken about during the entire game , it finally gets the hype it is desevered for when it stops the Evil from winning. And that final scene with Aeris , when you find out since her death she has continued to stop Sephiroth.
    The FFVIII ending was equally as good. The music score and ULTRA happy ending. Throughout the game Squall and Rinoa's relationship was always in danger. At the end , everything is seen to be alright and Squall did not get killed in the time displacement. To find that Laguna has found happiness with his daughter Ellone and his friends Ward and Kiros. To find that Seifer has snapped out of his evil curse and returned to his best friends Rajin and Fujin. And the video camera scene we see that again all the characters from FFVIII have found happiness. And Edea has once again become Matron and turned to the good side once again.


  29. #29
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy 9 had my favourite music, as their was lot of variation and my favourite piece is the music when Eiko and Dagger come together to summon Alexander, very nice melodies

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy 8 had my fav characters because they were in a way different to each other, Squall being a recluse when it came to the ladies while Irvine was a bit of a ladies man. Quistis was good as well for trying many ways to get Squall out of his shell.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy 9 had my favourite character Steiner, he was a very devoted man sworn to protect the princess with his life, he also added some humour to the game when he tried to swing to save the princess and ended up crashing into the tower. His trance armour looked cool and had good weapons throuout the game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy 8 had a unique battle system where you could draw spells from the enemies and use it on them, a nice original idea.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Final Fantasy 6 had Kefka was totally mad and evil, I have said it before but I'll say it again his artwork at the end when he looked like an angel is magnificent.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy 9 had my favourite storyline as it was quite confusing at first but managed to keep it together at the end.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Final Fantasy 10 had my favourite ending, very nice fmv and a speech that is filled with pure emotion.

  30. #30
    Favourite Music:
    I'm torn between FF's VII and IX, but I think I'll have to go for VII. Sephiroth's theme is quality, as is the Chocobo Racing theme. But I like Memories of Life from FFIX, but it makes me go all sad, and I'm in a depressed mood for the rest of the day.

    Favourite Characters Overall:
    Probably FFVIII, as it's the only one where I ever really changed my party regularly. Normally I just choose my party, and stick with them, but FFVIII has such a wide choice of characters, in that they are all different, that i found myself changing them all the time.

    Favourite Character:
    Zidane from FFIX. He's just a generally all round cool guy. Everyone seems to love him in the game, and he's got a good personality.

    Favourite Battle System:
    It's undoubtedly FFVII. The materia is just such a good idea, and there are so many different types! I never really became attached to the junctioning system in FFVIII, but the way you learn abilities from your weapons and armour in FFIX isn't bad.

    Favourite Villain:
    Hmmmm, a tough one. Either Sephiroth or Kuja. Sephiroth was just insane, he'd completely flipped. I like the way the story builds up the hype about him before we actually meet him. As for Kuja, I like his style, and he turns good in the end, which is a bonus.

    Favourite Storyline:
    I like VII coz of its twists and the storyline is really quite dramatic. However, it could have been even greater if the makers had developed the characters better. I also like FFIX, coz of its almost fairytale script. A princess rescued from a castle by our daring hero...

    Favourite Ending:
    This has to be FFVIII. The FMV is just amazing, and everything sort of falls into place at that time. The home video bit when the credits are rolling is funny too!

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